Edge tuning


Custom edge beveling to suit your style and get the best possible performance.

Choose your preferred side edge angle (all base edges are tuned at 1°):

90° Edge 
This is the strongest and most durable angle and will work well in most snow conditions from powder to firm snow. This is the ideal edge for beginners and intermediates (as it doesn’t require the skier to tilt the ski much to engage the edge). It is sometimes called a neutral edge and is popular with boarders. However, it is not so good in hard or icy conditions.

89° edge
This is the most popular edge profile and is the ideal balance for most skiers. It provides a better grip on harder pistes and is more secure at high speeds. This edge is great for people who love to have the feeling of carving by rolling from one edge to the other. On the other hand, a beginner might find this a more difficult edge profile to use. It is a more acute angle and thus requires more maintenance.

88° edge
The edge profile is good for advanced aggressive skiers and on icy pistes. This is NOT the edge profile if you just want to cruise the blues!

87° edge
Used by racers. These can offer really excellent grip but the ski either catches or not! Edges this sharp also require really dynamic skiing, lots of movement, and good power.


Ski, Snowboard

Side edge angle

87°, 88°, 89°, 90°


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